“Largest Green-Bond Fund for Emerging Markets Nearing $2 Billion” – Bloomberg – August 24, 2017

On August 24, 2017 Bloomberg reported that “(t)he World Bank’s International Finance Corp. and European asset manager Amundi SA are targeting year-end to raise $2 billion for what is expected to be the world’s largest green-bond fund dedicated to emerging markets.  The fund aims to marry the goals of investors seeking more high-yield opportunities and development banks seeking to expand the green economy in emerging markets.”

Over a period of seven years, the fund will phase-in investments in green bonds in Africa, Asia (including Central Asia), Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East and Latin America.

Bloomberg New Energy Finance projects the green bond market to grow 30% in 2017 – to a record $131 billion.

You may read the article on the Bloomberg internet site.