In a press release distributed on June 24, 2015 the United Nations Conference on Trade and Investment (UNCTAD) shared key trends from its World Investment Report 2015 on Recent Global FDI Trends: Geographical Pattern.
Key findings include the following:
“Foreign direct investment (FDI) flows to developing economies reached their highest level ever, at $681 billion with a 2 per cent rise. Developing economies thus extended their lead in global inflows. China became the world’s largest recipient of FDI. Among the top 10 FDI recipients in the world, 5 are developing economies.
Most regional groupings and initiatives experienced a fall in inflows in 2014.
FDI in transition economies decreased by 52 per cent to $48 billion in 2014.
The low level of flows to developed countries persisted in 2014. FDI flows to this group of economies declined by 28 per cent to $499 billion.”
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