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“Mexico’s ESG Bond Has Skeptics Questioning Do-Good Bona Fides” – Bloomberg – December 14, 2020

On December 14, 2020 Bloomberg reported that the “sustainable bond industry’s push into developing nations is sparking concerns about how sure investors can be that the money is being used for good, with Mexico’s sale the latest to raise eyebrows among skeptics. The issue has come to the fore as Latin America becomes the new […]

Comunidades y Energia Renovable (CER) – Webinar – International Experiences – Participatory and Socially Inclusive Renewable Energy Projects – December 9, 2020

On December 9, 2020 Comunidades y Energia Renovable (CER) conducted a webinar entitled,“International Experiences – Participatory and Socially Inclusive Renewable Energy Projects.” Practitioners from different countries discussed their work in developing renewable energy projects with the inclusion of local communities.  The webinar featured cases from Argentina, Chile, Kenya and Nepal, among others.  Simultaneous translations into […]