“Exchange in Focus: Korea Exchange launches a sustainability bond segment” – SSE Initiative – June 22, 2020

On June 22, 2020, the UN Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) Initiative reported that the “Korea Exchange launched a dedicated to SRI bonds segment on June 15. The issuing proceeds of SRI (Socially Responsible Investment) bonds are used for projects that are eco-friendly or generate social benefits, and they can be green, social, and sustainable bonds. They are also referred to as ESG, thematic, and social contribution bonds.

Up until now, there was no institution that provided information and statistics on the SRI bonds, so it was difficult for investors to get such information at once as each SRI bond issuer disclosed SRI bond information separately. In order to provide confident and transparent information on the SRI bonds, the Korea Exchange also opened a public information portal.”

You may read the article on the SSE internet site.