On December 13, 2017 Solability published the 6th edition of its Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index.
“The top 5 spots (are) taken by the Scandinavian nations, topped by Sweden. Of the largest economies, Germany is ranked 14th, Japan 20th, the UK 22st, the US 29th, and China 32nd.
The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index is based on 111 quantitative performance indicators to ensure total subjectivity. All data is derived from renowned sources (the World Bank, various UN databases). All data sets are scored for the latest available data as well as the development over the last 10 years. The 111 indicators are grouped in the 5 areas of the sustainable competitiveness model: natural capital, social capital; resource management, intellectual capital and governance efficiency.”
You can read more about the index and download it from the Solability internet site.