“Asset management roundup: ESG dominates launch and merger activity” – Investment & Pensions Europe (IPE) – June 30, 2017

On June 30, 2017 Investment & Pensions Europe (IPE) reported on the merger of two ESG-focused investment managers and the launch of several ESG funds.

According to the article, Mirova, the responsible investment affiliate of Natixis Global Asset Management, is negotiating to pruchese a majority state in London-based impact investment manager Athelia Ecosphere.

Separately, the article profiles the launch of several ESG focused funds:

  • The Fidelity FIRST ESG All Country World fund screens out certain industries and targets companies with best-in-class ESG ratings.
  • Candriam Investors Group launched five exchange-traded funds (ETFs) combining ESG screening and smart beta factors, covering “cover European, euro-zone, and Japanese equity indices, and euro-denominated sovereign and corporate bond indices.”
  • Also, in time for its 20-year anniversary, East Capital launched a Sustainable Emerging Markets fund, that will target “companies characterised by high growth potential and strong ESG profiles, with a clear overweight in themes relating to domestic growth and the emerging consumer.”

You can read the article on the IPE internet site.