“JPM teams up with World Bank and S&P for ESG platform” – CityWire Selector – February 1, 2016
On February 1, 2016 CityWire Selector reported that JP Morgan Investment Bank’s structured products division, in cooperation with the World Bank and S&P, has launched a new ESG platform. “The platform is called JP Morgan Ethos Investments and it is aimed at investors seeking to deploy capital in ESG-focused assets by investing across trackers, principal protected […]
“Nestle admits slavery in Thailand while fighting child labour lawsuit in Ivory Coast” – The Guardian – February 1, 2016
An article published in The Guardian on February 1, 2016 analyzes the background to Nestle’s admission of slavery in its seafood supply chain in Thailand and the consequences of its disclosure. According to the article, “(t)he company has won plaudits for its admission of forced labour in the Thai seafood industry but much of the […]