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“Pecuniary Relationships of Independent Directors” – InGovern Research Services – January 5, 2016

On January 5, 2016 the Indian independent corporate governance research and advisory firm InGovern published a report entitled, “Pecuniary Relationships of Independent Directors.”  The executive summary explains:  “This study lists out cases where Companies have a pecuniary relationship with their Independent Directors, mostly through the latter’s legal/consulting firms. This pecuniary relationship extends beyond payment of […]

“Brazil goes up in wind energy rankings” – JustMeans – January 5, 2016

A blog post published on JustMeans on January 5, 2016 reports that Brazil improved in global wind energy rankings in 2014.  According to the blog post, Brazil “climbed up to number four in the 2014 wind energy global ranking. It has also gone up five positions in the global ranking of installed capacity, from 15 […]