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“Brazil announces massive reforestation and renewable energy plan with US” – The Guardian – June 30, 2015

According to an article published in The Guardian on June 30, 2015, “Barack Obama and Dilma Rousseff put climate change at the top of their agenda at their bilateral meeting on Tuesday, with the US and Brazil agreeing to obtain up to 20% of their electricity from renewable power by 2030. Brazil also committed to restoring up to […]

“Why India’s solar sector has turned into a $100 billion investment magnet” – Quartz – June 25, 2015

An article published on June 25, 2015 on Quartz reports that in June 2015 “the Narendra Modi government officially approved an incredibly ambitious plan for India’s fledgling solar sector.” By 2022, the plan hopes to increase solar power generation capacity from four gigawatts (GW) to 25 GW and attract $100 billion investment into the sector. You may […]