“More companies adhere to ‘Report or Explain’” – BM&FBOVESPA – July 15, 2014
On July 15, 2014 BM&FBOVESPA announced in a press release that “integrated reporting has already been adopted.” The third annual update of the “Report or Explain for Sustainability or Integrated Report” database shows how this issue has remained on the agenda of listed companies. These companies continue to publish non-financial information or explain why not, […]
“GMI Ratings’ Introduces Accounting and Governance Risk (AGR®) Ratings on Companies in Emerging Market Countries” – July 15, 2014
In a press release dated on July 15, 2014 GMI Ratings “introduced Accounting and Governance Risk (AGR) ratings on 9,000 companies in nearly 60 emerging market countries. GMI’s AGR ratings capture a variety of accounting irregularities and corporate governance weaknesses associated with negative events. With the addition of emerging market companies, GMI now offers AGR […]