“Impact-first agricultural lenders join forces” – Upsides – April 11, 2014
An article published in Upsides on April 11, 2014 reports that “seven international social lending institutions have announced the launch of the Council on Smallholder Agricultural Finance (CSAF), an industry council focussed on creating a thriving, sustainable and transparent financial market to serve the financing needs of small and growing agricultural businesses in low- and […]
“’Report or Explain’ now encourages integrated reporting among listed companies” – BM&FBOVESPA – April 11, 2014
On April 11, 2014 BM&FBOVESPA announced in a press release that “BM&FBOVESPA begins the 2014 “Report or Explain” Cycle with a new development: in an evolutionary process aligned to the international trend of integrating financial and non-financial information in annual corporate reports, the initiative is now named “Report or Explain for Sustainability or Integrated Reports” […]