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“L’Inde, pépinière de green tech” – Novethic – January 7, 2014

“Venant combler un manque criant d’infrastructures énergétiques, les start-up vertes connaissent un véritable boom en Inde. Pour ces entreprises, il ne s’agit pas uniquement de sauver la planète, mais aussi de gagner de l’argent. Portrait de cette nouvelle « green economy » à l’indienne.” Lire la suite sur le site Novethic.

“Investors increasingly aware of sustainability in emerging markets” – Blue & Green Tomorrow – January 7, 2014

In a brief article published on Blue & Green Tomorrow on January 7, 2014 Charlotte Malone presents data from and quotes representatives of several socially responsible investment (SRI) rating agencies, thereby describing a trend, namely that responsible investors increasingly find sustainability issues material in emerging markets. You may read the article on the Blue & […]