On November 26, 2013 Grant Thornton issued a press release about its global survey of 3,300 businesses in 44 economies. The survey, conducted as part of the Quarterly Grant Thornton International Business Report, is now in its 22nd year. According to the most recent edition of the survey, nearly one-third of the businesses surveyed disclose corporate social responsibility (CSR) or sustainability data, either in an annual report, financial report or separate report.
“The number of businesses reporting CSR and sustainability is now 31%, up from 25% two years earlier. Reporting is greatest in India (69%), Viet Nam (64%), the Netherlands (64%) the Philippines (60%) and Mexico (52%). Conversely, Estonia (6%), Poland (12%), New Zealand (16%) Finland (18%) and Australia (19%) are countries with the lowest amounts of businesses reporting.”
You may read the press release on the press room page of the Grant Thornton internet site.