On August 13, 2012 the Equator Principles Association released the draft of the updated Equator Principles (EP III) for stakeholder consultation and public comment. The draft document, a list of frequently asked questions and details regarding the consultation and public comment
process may be found on the Equator Principles Association website.
The consultation and public comment period will last for a minimum of 60 days.
Leonie Schreve, Director, Head of Environmental and Social Risk at ING and Chair of the EP Association Steering Committee notes, “I am proud that we are releasing the proposed draft of the EP III today. We were able to reflect on the implementation experience of our diverse range of EP Association members and consider stakeholder input to date. The EP Association aims to ensure that the EP framework continues to create a level playing field across the globe and remains the standard in the financial industry for assessing and managing environmental and social risk. The EP Association is now entering one of the most important phases of the EP III update process and is committed to being open and transparent, and providing our stakeholders with an opportunity to comment on the EP III draft.”
The Equator Principles were launched in June 2003 and revised in 2006. As of August 2012, 77 financial institutions around the world have
adopted the Equator Principles.
For more information about the draft of the updated Equator Principles, please read the press release published on the Equator Principles Association website on August 13, 2012.